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Hard Floor Installation Instructions


Unfold the Hull

Clear a flat space (making sure it is clean and free of sharp objects) and unfold your boat. Remove the hull from its box and take it out of the boat bag. Unroll the hull so it is laid out flat.


Inflate the boat slightly

The Inflatable Boats can be inflated either with a hand pump or with electric pump. The electric pump can inflate the boats to a moderate pressure and save a lot of time, but boat will need to be finished off with a hand pump. If you are using an electric pump you will need to make sure the inflation valve is in the “open” position. When the valve is in the open position, air will freely move in/out of the valve. The valve can be opened by pushing in the stem of the valve (middle portion in the center of the valve) and twisting it 90 degrees. To close the valve, just twist the stem another 90 degrees and it will pop the stem out which represents the closed position.


Inflate all hull chambers of the boat to approximately 30% full in order to make the floorboard insertion easier.


Floorboard Assembly


4-board model (14’ and smaller boats)


  • Place floorboard No.1 at bow part, No.4 at transom part, and No.2 + No.3 Make sure that keel valve is located at the center of No.1 board's hole.
  • Press down No.2 + No.3 at the same time to be jointed well and flatly.  


5-board model (15’ and larger boats)


Place floorboard as follows:


  • Bow board, No.1, No.4, and No.2 + No.3. Make sure that keel valve is located at the center of No.2 board's hole.
  • Press down No.2 + No.3 at the same time for 5 floorboards boat at the same time for 6 floorboards boat to be jointed well and flatly.


Insert stringers into side edges of floorboards. For easy fitting of stringers, place oar under boat hull. 


Installation Tips

  • Sectional floors can somewhat hard to assemble the first time as the boat material has been in storage is isn’t as malleable as it will be once inflated/used. After two or three times it will be much easier to assemble.
  • It is recommended that installation will be performed by 2 people, at least at the very first few times.
  • The keel is usually folded sideways during manufacturer packing. For first time installation, inflate the keel and position it such way that the air valve is on top and in the middle of the keel. Then deflate the keel while keeping the valve on top. You will need it to make sure the keel valve is properly positioned within the opening in the front section of the floor. 
  • The aluminum side stringers are designed to cover joint connection points of the floor sections, they are not supposed to run the whole length of the floor.
  • Inspect the floor occasionally to make sure there are no sharp edges. Keep any sharp edges away from the inflatable tubes.
  • Place the floor boards inside the boat hull such way that there is equal distances left between edges of the floor plates and edge of the boat bottom. You will need these spaces to install the stringers.
  • In general, installation is easier if you start from the front board #1 and work toward the middle of the boat. Then install the rear board and work toward installed boards.
  • The two floor boards in the middle of the boat will slightly overlap with each other. Lift them up near the connection in an “A” shape and then apply direct pressure on top of that structure (with your foot or hands) until the floor boards are installed flat.
  • For easier installation of the side stringers, try placing one assembled rowing oar on the ground, along the boat bottom. Then lift that side of the boat up and push the assembled oar slightly under the boat in such a way that the floor boards are slightly elevated. This gap will make it easier to slide the stringers over the floor board edges. Repeat this step on the other side.
  • After the floor is installed, make sure the tubes are fully inflated to squeeze stringers into floor channels. The boat tubes should be rigid without wrinkles or soft to the touch.
  • Now you’re ready to hit the water!